
Wulian Automation Realizes Home Security and Remote Surveillance

High crime rates all around the world means many homes already have alarms and various surveillance options installed. Howerver, unless you’ve got these systems integrated into a Wulian home automation solution.
The most desired superpower identified in a recent online survey was the ability to see what’s going on in another location, without one actually having to be there. Incredibly, thanks to Wulian, which is installed in the global exclusively by Home automation, now you can!
Wulian home automation is awesome in that you can add an email or SMS notification every time the flap opens or closes – or any door or window in your home for that matter!
Another way of keeping tabs on who’s at home would be to install motion sensors in strategic locations. Instead of watching rooms, an alternative alert mechanism is to place sensors on or near your valuables that will warn you the second they move…not bad for keeping even family members out of your things!

