Everyone of us must be have the similar experience,frogot bring the key and standed outside the door until other family members get back home.How can we avoid the happening of this situation?It is very easy,just install the smart lock.
smart lock based on ZigBee HA standard,and you
can control it remotely by your mobile phone,so you
never worried about forgetting to bring your key.How to use your phone to open
the door,open the interface of the smart lock,enter
the password,and than click the picture,it
will open.More than that it has three other unlocking modes.Firstly,entering
password of the lock.Secondly,using the
electromagnetic key,and if you
lost a key,do not worry,you
just need to reset the other keys,and do not
have to change the whole lock.Thirdly,using the nfc tag.Using the phone which
support nfc to close to the tag.
Smart lock have two power supply systems,for the lock is very important in our
home,we must ensure its
normally work.Every system need four batteries,you can use two years.If you forget to
replace the batteries,there are two contactors for the 9v battery.
The smart lock with a simple
installation. Just replace the old,it can use for all kinds of the door.
There is a i key on the back
of the lock,it is use for add the key,set the password of the lock,and join in the ZigBee network.